My only house will be auctioned by the bank! I do not have any income documents! Can I still refinance?

Customer’s details:

Mdm. Masliana’s initial CTOS Report

Mdm. Masliana’s initial CTOS Report

Mr Zamri’s initial CTOS Report

Mr Zamri’s initial CTOS Report

Bank loan approved:

Mr. Zamri’s letter of offer



About Bluebricks

BlueBricks Holding is one of the top ten leading loan agency companies in Malaysia in terms of loan approval rates. As a leading licensed loan agency company, we have extensive knowledge and experience in mortgage and business loans, and this enables us to help our customers to get the deal that is best suitable to them.

Picture of Wilson Wai Kit

Wilson Wai Kit

Senior Consultant

With extensive banking experience, notably as a mortgage sales officer at UOB Bank, Wilson leverages his understanding of loan applications and approvals to offer financial insights and support to empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their financial futures.

Feel free to contact him for assistance with your financial needs!

I want to know about bank loans
Picture of Karl


Financial Advisor

Karl has a background in banking and real estate, with roles ranging from Mortgage Officer at UOB Bank to Director at Vestcom Realty. He’s skilled in managing mortgage loans and real estate projects and works closely with bank officers, money lenders, and lawyers to solve clients’ loan issues.

Karl is currently a key contributor to business loan development at Bluebricks.

I want to know about bank loans