Mr. Ruben Could Not Get The Loan Amount He Want.
Mr. Ruben is a marketing manager comes from Klang. He tried to apply loan through walk into the banks and later found out it was so much lesser than what he thought he could get, which is only 75% to 80% of his desired amount.
Look For Help From BlueBricks
He thereafter check on the internet to look for help and found out there are a few loan agency company are promoting the kind of mortgage refinancing services he needs. And that’s how he started his business relationship with BlueBricks.
Walkthrough and Understand The Problems
After Bluebricks has gone through with Mr. Ruben to understand deeper on his situation, we realised the documents which was provided by him to the banks doesn’t fully present his current eligibility.
Loan Approved!
With some rectification, just like what Bluebricks had expected, Mr. Ruben could finally obtain his ideal loan amount.
Now, let’s listen to what Mr Ruben has to say about his loan journey with BlueBricks: